You want experience in lots of roles,
to do real work, and to work with a dynamic team.
We want fresh insights and motivated people with initiative.
The ThinkPlayful Mathematical Sciences Graduate Student Internship program is partially funded by The National Science Foundation through the Internship Network in the Mathematical Sciences (INMAS). The Mission of the Internship Network in the Mathematical Sciences is to expand career options for students and to provide value for companies and labs by providing high quality training and internship experiences that bring powerful computational and modeling tools to bear on industry's most pressing problems.
Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship program
Research Experience for Undergraduates program
The ThinkPlayful Research Experience for Undergraduates program is partially funded by The National Science Foundation:
"The National Science Foundation’s Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program seeks to expand student participation in all kinds of research — both disciplinary and interdisciplinary — encompassing efforts by individual investigators, groups, centers, national facilities, and others. It draws on the integration of research and education to attract a diverse pool of talented students into careers in science and engineering (including teaching and education research related to science and engineering) and to help ensure that these students receive the best education possible."
Former ThinkPlayful Interns
Aisha Adedayo
When Aisha Adedayo joined ThinkPlayful as a Research & Development Assistant, she attended Washington University in St. Louis, where she majored in Educational Studies and minored in Global Black Studies and Business of Social Impact. She has a background in and passion for educational equity as well as experience with startups and entrepreneurship.
She also serves in the Army National Guard and owns a photography business, Narative Portraits LLC.
Magdalene Aideyan
When Magdalene Aideyan joined ThinkPlayful as a Research & Development Assistant, she attended Washington University in St. Louis, where she majored in both Educational Studies and in Economics and Strategy. She has a passion for educational advocacy and has worked in many areas of education, including voice lesson instruction, curriculum development, school policy, and teaching. She acted in WashU’s Black performing arts group, Black Anthology; served on the College Council; and sang in her university’s gospel choir.
Bella Gomez
When Bella Gomez joined ThinkPlayful as a Research & Development Assistant, she attended Washington University in St. Louis, where she majored in Global Studies and Latin American Studies, with a minor in Educational Studies and concentrations in public health and human development. She has experience in a variety of fields including student teaching, research, and programming. She worked in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, and she volunteered with the Boys and Girls Club and as a grant writer for two non-profits.