Supports for family engagement at root of student learning success

ThinkPlayful to partner with Highlights
Now in the app’s pilot phase, the company received the almost $200,000 Technology Enhancement for Commercial Partnerships (TECP) supplement award to develop technology required to establish a viable commercial partnership. “We are thrilled to have the opportunity to partner with Highlights,” Co-founder Tyler Schwartz said.

The Power of Guided Play
In a world where structured activities and digital distractions often dominate children's schedules, it's easy to overlook the simple, yet profoundly impactful, concept of play. Parents and educators know that play is crucial for children's development, but did you know that guided play can take this to a whole new level? Let's explore the magic of guided play and how it can enrich children’s learning and creativity.

Tips to Navigate Tech with Young Children
In our tech-saturated world, technology is a now a part of our children's learning environment. For parents of children aged 2-8, understanding how to use technology to benefit, rather than disrupt, children’s development is crucial.

ThinkPlayful Expands Testing Nationwide
ThinkPlayful™ beta testing has expanded to include early childhood organizations and the families they serve throughout the USA.

Children are Natural Scientists
From birth, infants explore their environments and look to their caregivers to learn about their world. Spontaneous play further develops their scientific inquiry and experimentation skills. When science education intersects with play and imagination, children develop their understanding of scientific concepts through their creativity.

Math Anxiety Sneaks In
Have you ever said “I am not a math person” or “I’m not good at math”? It’s so common to hear! Unfortunately, comments like these influence children’s perception of their own math ability … and consequently hinders their future math skills too.

Math Learning with Guided Play
Learning through guided play has a more positive effect on younger children’s acquisition of important early math skills than traditional, direct instruction.

Early Math Skills Are Crucial
Many parents spend time and energy reading stories to their preschool child, studies show that mathematical reasoning ability may be even more crucial as a building block for success in school and beyond than reading readiness. That’s why the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics urges high-quality math instruction for 3- to 6-year-olds.

The Brain Grows Dramatically By Age 5
The preschool years represent a time of some of the most dynamic and elaborate developmental changes and brain growth.

Families Are the Answer
Multiple studies show that family involvement in children's learning is positively related to children’s lifetime outcomes. The research also shows that the earlier in a child's educational process family involvement begins, the more powerful the effects will be.